Add/Editing Registration Product Options Sets

If you need to manually ADD or REORGANIZE OPTIONS SETS on a registrant you can do that by following these steps:

  1. Go to, REPORTS > TEAM
    1. Select a PROGRAM/TEAM roster
  2. Find the REGISTRANT in list
  3. Go to ACTIONS column at the end of the row
  4. In the OPTIONS ADD-ONS section, you can:
    1. REORGANIZE by collapsing each OPTION ADD-ON
      1. Then, use the ARROWS to drag in the order of display

        NOTE: Option set #1 is the top one, Option set #2 is the second one, and so forth

    2. ADD new OPTION ADD-ON
      1. Scroll to bottom of page, select ADD ANOTHER ITEM
        1. Use this image below as a reference

That's it!

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