Create an Invoice
Need to send an invoice to a group of athlete for an upcoming competition or camp? Is the pricing unique for each athlete or group of athletes? Enter Invoicing. We created invoicing for ski club's to be able to sign up and send an open invoice directly to the household to pay for the event.
Invoicing is based around an event, e.g. travel, competition, etc. and creates a roster for this group.
Here how you create an invoice:
Step One: Create an Event
- If you have not created an event yet, click on CREATE EVENT
- ADD EVENT under the specific SEASON
- Enter Event Name, click CREATE EVENT
Complete product fields, click SAVE
NOTE: The price field will be overwritten, but can be set as a base price field, otherwise lef at $0.00 since it will change later in the process.
Step Two: Create the Invoice
- In the top right of the MANAGE > EVENTS, click CREATE INVOICE
Give Invoice a specific name for internal purposes, that you can use to search on later.
NOTE: This will be name will contain the group of orders that you create on this page.
- Select the product
One the LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION, enter the specific details of what is included
e.g. "Includes all related travel expenses for trip, lodging, transportation, coach fees"
- Enter the total price for this LINE ITEM
- SELECT PARTICIPANTS by searching full directory or by team
- Then, select each participant that you want an invoice created for.
- Click SUBMIT
That's it!
Upon submission, the participants will be added to ROSTER for that event and an ORDER is created for each of the participant's selected that is sent via email to the household account owner to pay the invoice.