Cancelling Entire Order

Cancelling an ORDER can have a lot of moving parts.  The Ski Club Pro platform handles this in 3 different steps to ensure you have the flexibility to manage your unique situation.  When cancelling an order, generally, 3 steps need to happen, and each one needs to be done separately.

  1. Cancel the ORDER
    This will ONLY restock the product 1 increment if there was a limited stock and change the status of the order CANCELED
  2. Refund PAYMENTS (or partial payments if you choose)
    If you need to issue a refund, you can access the payments tab in the cancelled order and do full, partial, or no refund as you see fit.  
  3. REMOVE the participant from the ROSTER
    Cancelling an order will not automatically remove them from the roster of the team they are signed up for.  Tutorial:

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