Staff Onboarding Process

When adding a STAFF role to an ACCOUNT HOLDER, you are providing them permissions to view various reports and rosters within the system.  This also give them an additional profile page for staff related fields.  If you add CUSTOM FIELDS that are for staff members and make them required, it will always force them to complete the fields before they can fully use their staff account and view reports.

The staff onboarding process includes the HOUSEHOLD setup process, but adds on the Staff profile fields.

New STAFF USER to system Existing USER adding a STAFF Role
  1. Imported via the Bulk Staff Import Feature
    View Tutorial
  2. New USER receives one-time login email
  3. They are asked to set a password
  4. Then redirected to complete all required profile fields
    1. General profile
    2. Membership profile (if required fields)
    3. Staff profile (if required fields)
  5. Then redirected to setup HOUSEHOLD information
    1. Add address
    2. Enter Insurance information (if required)
  6. Click Complete Household Setup button

That's it!  Now they can access staff reporting

  1. Manually elevate a users permissions.
    View Tutorial
  2. The next time they login in, the USER they will
    be prompted to complete any REQUIRED staff fields.

That's it!  Now they can access staff reporting

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